Just for 1 spoon! It cuts cough instantly

#spoon #cuts #cough #instantly

Cough attacks that increase during the winter months sometimes never go away! But drink 1 spoon of this and you will feel the effect! It instantly cuts the persistent cough! Here is the recipe for the cure that cuts that cough like a knife…

Cough is a disorder that significantly affects the quality of daily life and can sometimes turn into a persistent problem. Among the natural treatment methods, a miraculous cure is recommended with a mixture of carob molasses, olive oil and black pepper, which offers an effective solution to cough.


Carob molasses stands out for those looking for a natural and effective solution for a persistent cough. While carob molasses heals diseases such as cough, cold and shortness of breath, it also acts as a natural expectorant.


Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1 and a half tablespoons of carob molasses and a few pinches of black pepper into a coffee pot. Warm this mixture slightly and then enjoy it. This cure offers an effective natural solution, especially for severe and persistent coughs.

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