Photo session Oranjes: Máxima plays peek-a-boo at Christmas tree with royal toy poodle Mambo | Show

#Photo #session #Oranjes #Máxima #plays #peekaboo #Christmas #tree #royal #toy #poodle #Mambo #Show

update/videoThe royal Christmas holidays can begin. A photo session in front of the Huis ten Bosch residential palace was the last public appearance of the Oranges before the holidays.

Jeroen Schmale December 22 2023 Last update: 15:33

Just like during the summer photo session on the beach, the toy poodle Mambo stole the show by happily wagging his tail and not listening too emphatically to his owners.

After a posing moment with the family, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima took a seat behind the Christmas tree decorated with lights on the forecourt in front of the palace. After the media captured the princesses Amalia, Alexia and Ariane, Máxima stepped out from behind the tree with Mambo in her hands. “Peek-a-boo,” said the queen.

After King Willem-Alexander wished the journalists present happy holidays and wanted to leave for the private wing of the palace with his family members, Mambo had other plans. He ran into the palace garden. The royal couple and the two youngest princesses went inside, but not Amalia: she went after Mambo.

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with toy poodle Mambo. © Brunopress

Warm winter coats

According to fashion journalist Josine Droogendijk, a winter photo session in the cold outdoors ‘doesn’t offer too many possibilities’. “The royal couple and the princesses chose wisely and dressed in long trousers and a warm winter coat. All well-known specimens. For example, Alexia’s dark blue cloak previously appeared on both Máxima and Amalia. Princess Ariane also took the sustainable tack by wearing a green coat from Máxima’s closet. Together with her eldest sister, Princess Amalia, she formed the Christmas color palette: dark green and red.” Droogendijk points to the king’s burgundy trousers as the most striking choice. “He may wear that next year, with a matching blazer, during the Christmas speech.”

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A photo session with the royal family is organized twice a year, as part of the so-called Media Code. In exchange for the photo sessions, the Oranjes are left undisturbed by the media in their private time. With daughters flying away, it is now quite a puzzle to bring the family together for the photo sessions, regardless of the special and international work of their parents.

Gap year

Before Princess Alexia starts studying next summer, she will first have a gap year, during which she will ‘travel a bit and work a bit’. She announced that gap year at the previous photo session, on the beach of Scheveningen. Her younger sister, Princess Ariane, started last summer at the United World College in Duino, Italy, where she is completing her high school years.

The family will be together again at Christmas, which is why the photo session could take place on Friday. It was not clear how and where the Oranges will spend the holidays; the meeting in The Hague was purely a photo session, the journalists were not given the opportunity to ask questions.

King Willem-Alexander’s traditional Christmas speech was recorded on Friday morning and can be seen on this site on Monday, Christmas Day, at 1 p.m.

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THE HAGUE, 22-12-2023, Huis ten Bosch Palace Autumn photo session 2023 at Huis ten Bosch Palace. PHOTO: Brunopress/Patrick van Emst Autumn Photo Session 2023 at Huis ten Bosch Palace. On the photo / On the photo: King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima with their daughters Princess Amalia, Princess Ariane and Princess Alexia King William Alexander and Queen Maxima with their daughters Princess Amalia, Princess Ariane and Princess Alexia © Brunopress

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