Star Trek actor Gary Graham (73) died of cardiac arrest | Stars

#Star #Trek #actor #Gary #Graham #died #cardiac #arrest #Stars

Gary Graham, best known for his roles in Star Trek: Enterprise (2001 to 2005) and Alien Nation, passed away suddenly at his home in Spokane Valley, Washington. His ex-wife Susan Lavelle announced this earlier this week via a message on Facebook.

“We are absolutely devastated, especially our only daughter Haley. Gary was funny and had a sarcastic sense of humor. He fought for what he believed in, was a devout Christian and was very proud of his daughter. This was so sudden, so please pray for our daughter. Fly high into the sky, Gar!” said Lavelle. According to her, Graham died of cardiac arrest.

Text continues below the Facebook post.

The ‘Trekkies’, as fans of the science fiction series Star Trek are called, also reflect on the loss. “Graham left us far too early,” he said.

The American actor is best known for his role as Ambassador Soval in the television show Star Trek: Enterprise and the detective Matthew Sikes in the Alien Nation franchise. In addition to his acting career, Graham was a paramedic and played in two bands: The Gary Graham Band and The Sons of Kirk.

Earlier this month, another Star Trek actor, Mickey Cottrell, also passed away. He was 79.

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