The importance of dried fruit in our diet: here’s when and how much to eat – Blog

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Several studies have highlighted the importance of dried fruitaa nuts, or oil seeds, in the diet. This includes walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, cashews, peanuts, pistachios and the like.

These foods have the characteristic of having a high level of fatbut of unsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, therefore fats defined as good. They also contain an appreciable percentage of proteins e mineral salts such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, and also fiber.

The richest in calcium are clearly the almondswith 240 mg per hectogram, while i pistachios they excel in iron, with approximately 7 mg per hectogram. Nuts also contain good levels of vitamins e antioxidantsin particular vitamin E.

The protein level is also high, especially for pine nuts (30%) do not peanuts. These foods have approximately 600 -700 calories per 100 grams, so 30 grams correspond to approximately 200 calories. The ideal intake quantity is between 4-6 walnuts, or 10-15 almonds or hazelnuts, or 30-40 pistachios.

Beneficial properties

Considering the content of proteins, fatty acids, omega 6 and omega 3, as well as vitamins, mineral salts and fibre, they are particularly useful for vegetarians, vegans, growing children, students and athletes. They also have good antioxidant action and protective at a cardiovascular level by counteracting free radicals. The analysis of 150 high-level scientific studies confirmed how walnut consumption has a favorable effect on heart disease risk factors such as total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and the ratio between LDL cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein. high density (HDL). And this without negative effects on body weight.

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It is also proven that the regular consumption of 5-6 walnuts per day has an anti-inflammatory action on the walls of blood vessels, thus preventing hardening of the arteries and therefore atherosclerosis. A Swedish observational study on 61,000 people, followed for 17 years, highlighted an interesting ability of dried fruit, if taken at least 3 times a week, to reduce the onset of cardiac arrhythmias and, above all, atrial fibrillation.

Given the high concentration of calcium in almonds, but also magnesium, these would be particularly suitable for those who are intolerant to dairy products, to promote bone health and combat osteoporosis. The action on the microbiota is interesting. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition shows that the daily consumption of approximately 40 grams of walnuts (6-7) per day as part of a healthy diet is associated with an increase in some bacteria in the microbiota, in particular roseburia and the faecalibacterium. These two microorganisms exert an anti-inflammatory action on the intestine. If they are deficient, they predispose towards inflammatory intestinal diseases and colon tumors. It is important to understand how the consumption of these foods, taken correctly, can determine an important action on maintaining health, both for their content in active ingredients and for their action on the intestinal microbiota.

When to consume it?

Being rich in nutrients, and providing a high caloric intake, nuts should be consumed in moderate quantities and not with main meals. So not at the end of the meal or in the evening after dinner. However, it is interesting to use it for breakfast or between meals, or as an energy snack for athletes or students. The absence of gluten makes these foods excellent even for celiacs.

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Attention to people allergic to dried fruit, peanuts in particular.

Even those allergic to hazelnut or birch pollen could have reactions as a result of eating dried fruit eaten raw. Usually the reaction is prevalent towards walnuts or hazelnuts, while almonds and pine nuts are more tolerated. Better to use dried fruit that is not salty and not sweet, but natural and seasonal if possible, as well as quality.

Fabio Diana

Specialist in Internal Medicine and Sports Medicine

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