UNITA calls for criminal liability for those involved in fraud in the Education competition –

UNITA in Cuanza Norte welcomed the measure taken by the Minister of Education, Luísa Grilo, to annul the final results of the public competition held in November last year.

In a press conference, the deputy and provincial secretary of UNITA, Francisco Fernandes, said that his party has been following with concern the complaints and disputes about the fairness and fairness surrounding the multiple public competitions for access to public service, especially in the Education sector.

Francisco Fernandes, urged and encouraged the competent authorities to continue with investigations to identify and hold those involved criminally responsible.

The tests were canceled due to the record of several irregularities in the process, such as acts of corruption, adulteration of results and classifications and the awarding of fraudulent grades in more than two hundred processes, out of the 353 determined for different levels of education.

In this competition, the province of Cuanza Norte had seven thousand candidates registered for 353 vacancies, who must take a new test on the 26th of this month.

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