What it is and why it is the secret to releasing your emotions and improving your well-being

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Journaling or writing in a personal diary is a practice that has gained great relevance in recent years. It is about putting your thoughts, emotions, experiences and reflections on paper freely and without censorship. Not only does it allow you to organize your ideas and feelings, but it can also be a powerful tool to improve your mental and emotional well-being. Here are 5 effective techniques.

What is the origin of journaling?

Journaling has become fashionable thanks to entrepreneurs and personal development gurus who have proclaimed themselves addicted to the practice, the truth is that keeping a diary is not a new habit. In fact, the boom occurred in the 19th century, when artists and intellectuals, such as Eugene Delacroix or George Orwell, began to record their daily experiences and creative ups and downs.

However, one of the best examples of how writing can help us cope with difficult situations is found in the most famous diary of the 20th century, written by Anne Frank during the two years she spent hidden in a small room behind her father’s office. father, along with seven other people. Indeed, as Gillie Bolton, a researcher at King’s College in London, recognizes, keeping a diary allows us to increase self-confidence, as well as enhance our motivation and explore cognitive areas that are not always accessible.

If you have never had one before, the task may seem overwhelming at first, but it is worth it, since the benefits are palpable. What should you write in a journal and how often? Can you use an app or do you need a ‘special’ notebook? The reality is that there are many ways to wear it, the important thing is to choose the one that complements your lifestyle, personality and needs. Below we present five journaling ‘techniques’ that you can adopt now.

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1. Recognize what you have: the gratitude journal

What is it? Gratitude is one of the most positive attitudes that exist. Focusing on what we already have and being grateful for it instead of spending our lives thinking about what we lack opens the doors of our lives to magic and adventure. However, many times we forget to talk about our blessings and prefer to wallow in negativity. The gratitude journal allows us to remember the wonderful little details that life offers.

How and when to put a gratitude journal into practice? Set aside 10 to 15 minutes before going to bed to write down the three (four or 10) pleasant things of the day that you are grateful for. Did you have a wonderful evening with your friends? Did a stranger smile at you? Write it down.

Journaling also complements meditation techniques

2. What is a bullet journal and how to organize your day

What is it? The chic version of to-do lists and mind maps: if you feel like your brain is about to short-circuit from overheating, a bullet journal can be your salvation.

How and when to put a bullet journal into practice? This diary is ideal for keeping track of your activities on a daily basis. The guiding principle is simple: make lists and accompany them with colorful bullet points. You can write your to-do list, your dreams, your weekend plans, or even your shopping list. Tip: looking for more inspiration? Pinterest is a haven of bullet journal ideas.

3. Increase your creativity: morning pages

What is it? If you work in an area that requires great inspiration and lately you have felt a little blocked, the ‘morning pages’ technique, created by the writer and screenwriter Julia Cameron
will be your best allies to overcome the blockage.

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How and when to put morning pages into practice? Just as the name says: in the morning, right after you get up. Before you do any other activity, grab a professional notebook and write three pages non-stop with the first thing that comes to mind. Don’t limit yourself, write down what comes up. Nobody has to read you.

Journaling can become a form of conscious meditation, helping to reduce anxiety

4. Know yourself: diary to record emotions

What is it? One of the most healing ways of journaling there is. It consists of writing down all the emotions you experience throughout the day, both positive and negative.

How and when to put an emotions diary into practice? Ideally every time you experience an emotional reaction. If you can’t stop to write down, breathe and when you’re calmer, record everything. Although the extension is not important, do not forget to specify two things. First: what was the emotion you felt (name it) and, second: what triggered it.

5. Get rid of anxiety: free writing

What is it? Free writing (or freewriting) is the oldest technique, the one that originated everything. It consists of writing down daily (or whenever possible) the events of the day, the impressions that an encounter gave us, any frustration or anything that you feel like writing about. Although at first it may take a little work to write long posts, as you get used to it you will notice that your writing begins to flow.

How and when to put it into practice? Just like the subject, free writing can be practiced at any time of the day, although some of its followers have confessed that it is easier for them to integrate it into their nighttime routine, just before going to bed. The length will also depend on the time you have and the topic you are dealing with.

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If you are looking for a way to improve your mental and emotional well-being, journaling is a simple and effective practice that you can start implementing today. It doesn’t matter if you’re an experienced writer or have never journaled before, journaling is a tool that can help you live a fuller, happier life.

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