Do not be surprised! These 5 delicious foods make your farts smell bad

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Consuming certain foods can cause smelly farts. Even foods that are considered delicious can cause foul-smelling gas in the stomach, such as these 5 foods.

The aroma or odor of a person’s fart can be influenced by the food they consume. If you don’t like the smell of gas, you probably know the dangers of eating eggs and nuts.

However, several other foods have also been proven to cause flatulence, to the point where they can emit an unpleasant aroma. These foods contain sulfur.

Launching, Shilpa Ravella, MD, a gastroenterologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, revealed that bad-smelling farts are often the result of consuming foods rich in sulfur.

Foods containing sulfur or sulfur will be converted by the digestive system into odorous compounds called sulfides.

So far, many people think that foods containing sulfur are only eggs or nuts. In fact, even a number of everyday foods that are said to be delicious can cause bad smelling gas.

Launching (24/04), here are 5 delicious foods that cause smelly farts:

1. Beef and pork

Be careful, consuming pork and beef can cause smelly farts. Photo: Site News

Meat does provide good health benefits. Meat is a good source of protein to build muscle, speed up the body’s metabolic processes, and keep the stomach full longer.

However, beef also contains the amino acid methionine which contains sulfur. When the body breaks down these amino acids, intestinal bacteria convert them into sulfide dishes, giving rise to flatulence.

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Fatty cuts of beef and pork can actually slow down digestion because of complex molecules that take a long time for the body to break down.

It takes approximately two days for the meat to be digested properly. Especially if you eat fatty meat.

Fatty foods take longer to digest than fruit and vegetables. Spending time until food rots and ferments in the intestines, which will increase the likelihood of odorous gas emissions.

2. Garlic and onions

Onions are also a food ingredient that can make farts smelly. Photo: Getty Images/Liudmila Chernetska

Garlic and onions are very delicious to add to food. Adding onions makes food more flavorful.

Unfortunately, both onions contain compounds called fructans, fermentable carbohydrates. The human digestive system cannot metabolize fructans.

As a result, they travel to the large intestine from the small intestine, where they are mostly undigested. Once there, the bacteria that make up the gut microbiome, ferment the food and produce foul-smelling gas.

You can see other delicious foods that make your farts smelly on the next page!

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