Excessive ‘touching’ of women in African Cup generates outrage

#Excessive #touching #women #African #Cup #generates #outrage

The Africa Cup continues to generate controversy after the novel results that have occurred in the first matches of the group stage of the continental competition and for the tragedy that occurred in the last days after the victory of Guinea ante Gambiawhich left 3 dead and more than a dozen injured during the celebration of the aforementioned selection.

However, the controls that have been carried out in Ivory Coasthost country of the African Cup, have generated outrage throughout the world, after the images that were exposed by the journalist and lawyer, Osasu Obayiuwanawhere went an excessive ‘fingering’ to women entering championship stadiums.

The informant posted on his X account (previously Twitter) a record in which the ‘touches’ what police officers do against women African where he accompanied the message “How can he be well and the ivorian authorities Do you think this is correct?”

Situation that has caused the journalist’s indignation, but due to the answers they got from quill to the communicator.

This is how he made it clear Osasu when responding to messages stating that “some of the responses to this posts are amazing. Are these controls correct simply because they are carried out by a women? Really?”.

Check out the images that have generated outrage at the Africa Cup

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