Life without Messi or sacred cows, by Joan Maria Batlle

#Life #Messi #sacred #cows #Joan #Maria #Batlle

12/29/2023 at 07:01 CET

Beyond the fact that the end of the cycle of the best generation of Barça footballers in all of history began quite a few years ago and culminated at the moment of Messi’s farewell, the star who brought together the greatest glory, titles and spectacle that a single player can star, This season is the first without any sacred cow from the past.

The previous year there were still Busquets and Alba, the former the less media star but more necessary in the makings of a great team, and the latter, the best partner that Messi had on the left wing. Some part of the environment had been pushing them to leave Barça for a long time. Well, they are no longer there. And the result is visible.

Life without Messi or the sacred cows is being hard. In reality, only fools could think that renewing such a top-class team was going to be easy. It’s not for nothing, but history doesn’t lie. Post-Kubalism left a desert of fourteen years without winning the League, post-Cruyffism cost seven years of league drought and it was clear that post-Messism was going to be traumatic. Even so, they won the League the second year, hence the great value of last season’s title.

Without a doubt, Xavi relied on the inertia of Busquets and Alba, especially Busi, to maintain something of the spirit and model that is gone forever. Now, everything is even more difficult. There will not be another Messi in life and it is very difficult for there to be another Busquets. And I no longer say Iniesta or Xavi. It is good to remember it to realize the dimension of the challenge of building another great team.

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