More than 320 children are waiting for heart surgery at the Lubango Pediatric Hospital –

There are a total of 329 children who are at the pediatric hospital in Lubango, Huíla province, with cardiovascular problems and awaiting surgical treatment, a medical specialty that the aforementioned unit does not provide.

The clinical director of the aforementioned hospital, Adelino Alex, said that some of these children come from the provinces of Namibe, Cunene and Cuando Cubango, transferred to those health units in search of better surgical treatments, as the clinical picture is worrying.

Adelino Alex stated that in addition to surgical treatment, the hospital has other alternatives, having guaranteed that the majority of children are already being transferred to the Cardeal Dom Alexandre do Nascimento Cardiopulmonary Disease Complex, in the country’s capital, for surgical treatment, at the same time while the younger ones, whose ages do not allow travel to high altitudes, will have to wait for a better time.

“At the moment, we have 329 children who are pending heart surgery,” he said.

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