Terrible accident in Gorj. A man died on the spot, hit by a driver who launched another car into the victim’s mother

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Serious accident in Gorj county, where two pedestrians, a man and his mother, died on Sunday morning after being hit by two cars.

Road accident in GorjPhoto: ISU Gorj

The accident took place on Sunday morning, around 8:00 a.m., in Turburea commune, Gorj county.

“From the first checks carried out by the police officers on the spot, it emerged that a 24-year-old man from Căpreni commune, Gorj county, while driving a car on DC 48 Cocorova, from the direction of Bulbuceni Poiana, allegedly entered the opposite direction, hitting a 51-year-old pedestrian (man) and a parked car. Following the impact, the parked car was projected into a 68-year-old woman. As a result of the road accident, the death of both pedestrians resulted”, the Gorj County Police reported, quoted by News.ro.

The representatives of ISU Gorj, who intervened on the spot, declared that the two pedestrians were mother and son.

The man died on the spot, and his mother went into cardio-respiratory arrest. Resuscitation maneuvers were performed and a SMURD helicopter was called to the scene, but the woman could not be saved.

The driver who caused the accident was in the car with his mother. He had a valid driver’s license and was not under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

In the case, the police have drawn up a criminal case for manslaughter.

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