The crowd called them out, Tibor Gašpar did not dare, SNS deputies watched from a distance. Thousands of people protested in front of the parliament – News

#crowd #called #Tibor #Gašpar #SNS #deputies #watched #distance #Thousands #people #protested #front #parliament #News

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The eighth opposition protest against the abolition of the special prosecutor’s office and lower punishment for corruption took place today in an unusual place – right in front of the National Council building in Bratislava.

Thus, thousands of people approached the members of the coalition, who were supposed to approve the controversial amendment to the Criminal Code already on Thursday. It was possible to vote on the law today, but the parliament continued to discuss the amendment even during the demonstration.

At the very moment when PS leader Michal Šimečka was speaking on the podium, Smer MP Tibor Gašpar was introducing an extensive amendment to the amendment. And although the crowd urged him to go out, the former police chief did not find the courage. “Get out, you cowards!” people shouted.

Members of the SNS came to see the protesters. Ivan Ševčík took a few photos on his phone, shook hands with the policemen, asked them with a smile if they were guarding them, and then left.

Pavol Ľupták silently watched the protest longer and listened to the anthem that was played at the end. However, both of them observed the angry citizens only from a distance, protected by barricades and dozens of members of the police force.

5 photos in the gallery Anti-government protest February 7, 2024 Source: Branislav Wáclav/

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Less than last time

According to the organizers’ estimates, about 18,000 people came to today’s protest, which is significantly less than last week, when there were rumors of up to 30,000. However, today’s assembly started already at 17:00, that is, an hour earlier.

There was also a change in the post of moderator of the event, which was no longer actress Kristína Tormová, but Ludwig Bagin due to work duties. The usual dramaturgy of the protest was otherwise preserved.

Representatives of the PS, SaS and KDH parties, i.e. the organizers of the protests, spoke again. MPs from Igor Matovič’s movement watched the protest only from the stairs leading to the parliament. KDH chairman Milan Majerský spoke first.

In a short speech, he compared the amendments to the amendment to the Criminal Code to “moldy salami”. “This cannot be fixed, it still abolishes the special prosecutor’s office, still reduces the punishments for corruption and disproportionately increases the amount of damage. The salami is still moldy,” he said.

5 photos in the gallery Anti-government protest February 7, 2024 Source: Branislav Wáclav/

A liar and a coward

Former Minister of Justice Mária Kolíková from SaS spoke much longer. The prime minister called Robert Fico a liar because he did not promise to abolish the special prosecutor’s office before the elections, but also a coward because he only met the Ukrainian prime minister in Uzhhorod.

“They claim that the special prosecutor’s office embezzled, but the fact that Dušan Kováčik embezzled and is convicted does not bother them,” he said from the stage. Kolíková also mentioned the name of the Minister of Culture Martina Šimkovičová.

“Democracy has disappeared from the parliament. When the Minister of Justice is supposed to be there, the Minister of Culture, Martina Šimkovičová, will be there, sitting for the government and listening to comments on the shameful package. The minister against whom there is a call to resign due to her incompetence,” she added.

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Lucia Plaváková from PS made a rather sharp speech. “Tibor Gašpar, Peter Kažimír, Peter Žiga, Miroslav Výboh, Jaroslav Haščák, Dušan Kováčik, Norbert Bödör. A few names of people who want to open champagne. Neither Peter Pellegrini, nor we have to learn about him, what he took away in the luxury champagne box. A fraction of the names that will become impunable,” she said.

5 photos in the gallery Anti-government protest February 7, 2024 Source: Branislav Wáclav/

Another holdall

Martina Holečková from KDH told the people that thanks to them, Peter Pellegrini already knows that he will not become president. “Bag!” chanted the crowd again as they had done at many protests before.

Deputy Branislav Gröhling also addressed the people on behalf of SaS. “Peter Žig faces five years in prison. It is enough that this law will be valid for a single day and the deeds of Mr. Žiga will be forever barred. And you know who is watching over it? The one with the holes. Who is he?” he asked the gathered. “Hold bag!” the people responded, again bumping into the leader of the Voice.

Traditionally, PS head Michal Šimečka was the last to appear on stage. This time he helped himself with the story of Jozef Šipoš, who spent three years behind bars in Leopoldov for making hemp ointments. He still faces fifteen years in prison.

“There are dozens of people like Jozef Šipoš in Slovakia. Last week, a proposal came from deputy Tibor Gašpar that the punishments for Mr. Šipoš be even higher. From that Gašpar, who himself is being prosecuted. He will guarantee impunity, but he wants to increase the rate for Jozef Šipoš to 25 years,” the leader of the progressives encouraged the people.

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5 photos in the gallery Anti-government protest February 7, 2024 Source: Branislav Wáclav/

There will be more protests

Parliament should vote on the amendment to the Criminal Code on Thursday morning. Several of those who protested in front of the National Council today announced that they will come to the parliament tomorrow as well.

The opposition plans to continue official protests as well. After the approval of the law, it will be the turn of President Zuzana Čaputová, who will almost certainly veto the amendment. When the deputies try to break her veto, the opposition parties call people to the streets again.

Michal Šimečka told the coalition MPs at the protest today that nothing will end tomorrow. The deputies also want to fight against the amendment at the Constitutional Court. “We thank you! Thank you!” chanted thousands of people in front of opposition politicians today.

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