The duo that sweeps the lungs! Those who consume regularly for 7 days do not see a hospital face, brooches are opened

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Garlic and honey are the duo that beautifies the skin and helps relieve edema and swelling. So how many days should this delicious mixture be consumed?

It turns out that when consumed together, garlic and honey will create a very beneficial mixture for your health.

He drew attention to the positive effects of consuming a mixture of garlic and honey on an empty stomach for 7 days on your health.

So, what is garlic and honey mixture good for?

Here are the benefits of garlic-honey mixture…

Garlic is a plant used as a natural food all over the world and adds flavor to meals. Garlic is also useful in treating many diseases.

Garlic is known as a natural antibiotic; It fights against health problems such as inflammation, chronic diseases, infection, hay fever, diarrhea, cold and flu.

Eating garlic; It lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attack, and relieves symptoms of osteoarthritis, diabetes and prostate enlargement.

Consuming garlic raw allows you to benefit more from the active ingredients it contains.

Consuming garlic by mixing it with honey is both easier and more effective. When garlic and honey come together, they become miraculous foods that are very beneficial to your health.

When consuming garlic and honey mixture, it is very important to use quality ingredients. In addition, it is necessary to support it with a healthy lifestyle.


Honey garlic; It is known that it is good against cancer. It is also hopeful that it was revealed that it is good for diseases that can lead to cancer.

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It reduces and dissolves kidney and gallstones. It has diuretic properties. It was underlined that it removes excess edema accumulated in the body and contributes to the elimination of fog.

Garlic honey supports proper blood circulation and blood flow in a healthy liver. It also removes toxins that accumulate in the body over time.

It prevents and relieves all rheumatism pain and inflammation. It is good for arthritis and is also beneficial for the renewal of joint levels.


It is recommended to chop 2-3 cloves of garlic into small pieces.

Mix it with a spoon of honey.

Consume this mixture every day; Within a week, you will feel that your energy has increased and your health has improved.

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