The revelations of the heir to the Ferrari empire: As long as my father lived, my salary was always lower. Thieves stole my first one

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Piero Ferrari and his wife, Romina Gingașu, in the Digi24 studio.

Piero Ferrari, the heir to the Ferrari empire, ran out of money from his first salary, after taking a job in his father’s factory. The money, which he wanted to save, was stolen from the house while he was at the restaurant. Ferrari told this incident to Digi24 during the first interview ever given by Piero Ferrari together with his wife, Romina Gingașu, to a Romanian television station.


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Teodora Tompea, Digi24 journalist: What was your first job?

Piero Ferrari, Vice President of Ferrari: The first job was in 1965, in Maranello. I got hired in November, because my grandmother, my father’s mother, died in October. She wrote to my father that she would like Piero to work in Maranello, to work with him there. My father, the following month, brought me to Maranello. On the first day, he took me to a large room and showed me the archive. He told me it was full of broken race car parts. He told me to make a report for all the broken parts so I could remember the mistakes made. Every broken piece was a lost race. And I got to work.

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Teodora Tompea: It was a life lesson.

Piero Ferrari: This was my father’s attitude.

Teodora Tompea: Has it always been like that with you?

Piero Ferrari: He always told me that the past is written and that we must remember from the past only the mistakes made. The future is now and you can change the future. The present is only a tenth of a second.

Teodora Tompea: Do you believe this?

Piero Ferrari: And.

Teodora Tompea: It was a life lesson. I think it was also helpful to have that relationship with your father. What was your salary at the time?

Piero Ferrari: The wage? At first it was 80,000 Italian pounds. My salary, as long as my father lived, was always less than the level of responsibility.

Teodora Tompea: And that was a lesson.

Piero Ferrari: It was a lesson for me, but it also showed the other employees that they don’t get special treatment or special pay.

Teodora Tompea: Do you remember how you spent your first salary? Did you buy something special or do something special?

Piero Ferrari: No, I didn’t do anything special. I kept my first paycheck in a drawer in my room. I left a window open when I went out to dinner with my mother, and a thief came and took my paycheck.

Teodora Tompea: So the first salary…

Piero Ferrari: Yes, it was stolen by a thief.

Watch the full interview on Digi24 on Wednesday, January 10, from 22:00, and on Sunday, from 16:00.

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