Union centrals promise new general strike for June –

Two days after the end of the second phase of the general strike called by the unions, public employees returned to work this Thursday, 2nd.

Meanwhile, the trade unions promise to cross their arms again, next June, for the third phase, if there is no progress in negotiations with the government.

A positive sign was seen yesterday on the streets of the capital due to the return to classes, after teachers joined the strike 100 percent.

The confirmation comes from SINPROF spokesperson and member of the technical committee of the three unions, Ademar Ginguma, who regrets the discounts suffered by teachers during the first phase of the strike.

Remember that this Tuesday, a day dedicated to workers, the Government said it was preparing to, in the short term, approve the national minimum wage, depending only on the deliberations taken at the National Council for Social Coordination.

Meanwhile, the SINPROF spokesperson says that the students’ annual objectives could be jeopardized if the third phase of the strike coincides with the students’ exam time.

Health units are also operating, which during the period of public service shutdown only treated patients in critical condition. The information was provided by the general secretary of the Doctors’ Union, Miguel Sebastião.

In the Justice sector, according to the union’s general secretary, Joaquim Teixeira, identification posts, registry offices and registry offices, as well as registration stores, are already operating normally.

Joaquim Teixeira regrets, on the other hand, the retreat of some workers in joining the strike, due to the threats suffered by the employer.

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In turn, the unions are available to return to the negotiating table, but guarantee that “if there is no progress on the part of the Government, the country will register a third phase of the general strike next month”.

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