Julio Basulto ‘fasts’ from intermittent fasting

#Julio #Basulto #fasts #intermittent #fasting

5 min.

He intermittent fasting It is a practice that, in recent years, has spread and become fashionable. There are those who believe that it has benefits and that doing so is advantageous for our health, others think that not only does it have no advantages but it represents a risk for our health. Today, Julio Basulto will clear up our doubts and explain to us why we should not do this practice.

Healthy living with Julio Basulto – Intermittent fasting, better not to do it – Listen now

Healthy lifestyle It begins with a study published these days in the media in our country in which it is stated that “the controlled fasting diet makes us 2.5 years younger.” Julio Basulto, after carefully reading the article, states that: “It is a study that has been done in mice and that has evaluated what happens in mice in captivity. In a group of mice we induced cancer. It is a nice hypothesis that must be demonstrated in humans and they say it themselves in the article: This needs to be proven because one thing is that it happens in mice and another thing is that it happens in humans, in freedom and who have had cancer by a route other than the one induced.“.

Can fasting help cure diseases?


There are those who see fasting as the solution to everything but nothing could be further from the truth. For example, cancer is a disease for which the patient could aggravate his condition if he fasts in order to “cleanse” the body, reduce weight or improve his intestinal health.

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Intermittent fasting: contraindicated for sick people and people with eating disorders

One in 5 people who die from cancer does so because caquexia. What is the loss of muscle mass, Loss of fat and in general, weight loss caused by cancer or treatment. “Fasting a person who has cancer, knowing that so many people with cancer die due to weight loss, is reckless imprudence because it can generate even more weight loss and therefore worsen not only its quality, but your life expectancy. There is a very good scientific study, a controlled, randomized trial, that showed that intermittent fasting causes weight loss, especially from muscle mass, which is the last thing we want a healthy person to lose, let alone a person suffering from cancer. “explains the nutritionist about what consequences fasting can have on a sick person.

Intermittent fasting is not recommended for people with an eating disorder. Furthermore, the research called Intermittent fasting: consider the risks of disordered eating for your patient has concluded that people who follow the same flashing can develop eating disorders as a result of fasting. This study shows that there is a great risk because many people who carry out this practice have over weight and, therefore, are vulnerable to disorders such as anorexia o to bulimia.

Another fact that does not invite fasting is the surgeries. After operations, patients have an increase in energy need because, for example, the body must heal wounds from surgery. If you add to that a fasting that reduces caloric intake when your body needs more calories than normalall of this poses a risk on the patient’s health.

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Another important reason why you should not fast when you suffer from an illness is the most logical: There is no evidence that it is useful for anything..

Intermittent fasting, fad, myth or both?

Intermittent fasting has been with us for years but in the last 3 years it has gained a lot of notoriety and many people have been encouraged to try it. Is this fashion beneficial?

Julio Basulto supports all his arguments in studies: “there is a randomized controlled trial that has shown that Intermittent fasting is not useful for losing weight. I also discovered that a meta-analysis says that not useful for blood glucose control, that is, blood glucose in people with diabetes. And thanks to the nutritionist, María Elena Marqués, because she took the trouble to review if intermittent fasting is useful for weight loss. And she did this in January 2024 and her conclusion is that, again, not useful for weight loss. “It has not proven more useful than a not so restrictive practice.”

Is intermittent fasting beneficial?

The Catalan nutritionist also cites the American Society For Preventive Cardiologywho published a document in which he assures that fasting Not only is it not effective for weight control, but it is also not effective for controlling cardiovascular risk., which is a widespread idea. On the other hand there are also the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, which are the dietary recommendations made by the Nordic countries and which state that there is no causal relationship between dietary patterns, including intermittent fasting, and health-related outcomes. That is to say, intermittent fasting does not increase life expectancy or quality of life.

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The last quote is from Brazilian Association for the Study of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome which add to the idea that fasting is not useful for losing weight and? delay calorie intake until eveningwhich is a common behavior in people who fast, can negatively affect body weight.

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