A dynamic of synthetic dimensions to manipulate light

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Synthetic dimensions (SD) have emerged as one of the most active areas of research in physics, providing an avenue for exploring phenomena in higher dimensional spaces, beyond our conventional 3D geometric space. This concept has attracted considerable attention, particularly in the field of topological photonics, due to its potential to unveil rich physics inaccessible in traditional dimensions.

The challenges of complex 3D network structures

One of the main challenges in conventional 3D space is the experimental realization of complex network structures with specific couplings. DS offer a solution by providing a more accessible platform for creating complex arrays of resonators with anisotropic, long-range, or dissipative couplings.

This capability has already led to groundbreaking demonstrations of non-Hermitian topological coiling, parity-time symmetry, and other phenomena. A variety of parameters or degrees of freedom within a system, such as frequency modes, spatial modes, and orbital angular momenta, can be used to construct DS, promising for applications in various fields ranging from communications optics to topological insulator lasers.

Towards “utopian” resonator networks

A key objective in this area is the construction of a network “Utopian» of resonators where any pair of modes can be coupled in a controlled manner. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to precisely manipulate the modes in the photonic systemsproviding opportunities to improve data transmission, energy harvesting efficiency and luminance of laser arrays.

Professor Zhigang Chen of theNankai University note : « The ability to adjust different light modes within the system brings us closer to the realization of ‘utopian’ networks, where all parameters of an experience are perfectly controllable. »

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Confinement of modes and topological morphing of modes in a synthetic dimension designed by ANN. (a) Illustration of mode networks with eigenvalue outlier edges. (a1) Sketch of the eigenvalue network and corresponding eigenmodes. The layout of the coupling network in real space is calculated by ANNs. (a2) Dynamics of the evolution of modes in SD; the orange dot in the left column indicates the excited mode. (a3) Propagation dynamics of the corresponding beam in real space. (b) Mode morphing in a non-trivial network designed by ANNs. (b1) Illustration of the network in real space and distribution of corresponding eigenvalues. (b2) Mode evolution during propagation in the SD; shaded areas indicate coupling blocks in SDs in different regions. (b3) Evolution of light in real space and transformation into a topological mode; the right graph shows the average intensity distribution in the rectilinear waveguide region. Credit: Xia, Lei, et al, doi 10.1117/1.AP.6.2.026005

Use of artificial neural networks

In their work, researchers modulate the disturbances (“squirming frequencies“) for the propagations which correspond to the differences between the different modes of light. To do this, they use networks of artificial neurons (RNA) to design waveguide arrays in real space. The ANNs are trained to create waveguide configurations that have exactly the desired mode patterns. These tests help reveal how light propagates and is confined in networks.

Finally, the researchers demonstrate the use of ANNs to design a particular type of network structure photonics called réseau Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH). This network has a specific characteristic allowing topological control of light throughout the system. This allows them to change the volume mode in which light travels, highlighting the unique properties of their synthetic dimensions.

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Implications et perspectives futures

The implication of this work is substantial. By finely tuning waveguide distances and frequencies, researchers aim to optimize the design and manufacturing of integrated photonic devices. Professor Hrvoje Buljan of theUniversity of Zagreb REMARK : ” Beyond photonics, this work offers insight into geometrically inaccessible physics. It is promising for applications ranging from laser mode to quantum optics and data transmission. »

Professors Chen and Buljan note that the interaction between topological photonics and synthetic dimension photonics, enhanced by ANNs, opens new possibilities for discoveries that could lead to materials and unprecedented device applications.

Illustration caption: Deep learning makes it possible to manipulate light in a synthetic dimension. Credit: Xia, Lei, et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.6.2.026005.

Article : “Deep-learning-empowered synthetic dimension dynamics: morphing of light into topological modes” – DOI: 10.1117/1.AP.6.2.026005

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